Monday, 29 April 2019

Cloud Computing Technology

Did you aware of this, that the concept of sharing computing devices has been around since the era of mainframe computing which began in the 1950s and the term “cloud computing”, that is comparatively a modern term, was coined only in the last 10 years and back users were concurrently able to access and share a central system through various computers. It was realized by corporate companies that since buying and maintaining computer’s computing capacity were so expensive, now this technology made sense to share the resources for economic reasons and available resources at very cheap rate. This is when the idea of sharing computing resources cloud computing came into the existence. The concept of virtualization leads the way in the 1970s where several virtual computers ran on a single hardware machine, but this idea did not catch up so early.

The very first milestone in cloud computing history took place in 1999-2000 after the came into existence and provide some services on cloud, which lead the way of delivering some computing applications through a website name salesforce. This initiative by salesforce paved a way for computer professionals as well as mainstream software corporations to deliver applications software on the internet for use remotely. Soon after salesforce, Amazon Company came into existence with some services as a cloud and started working with cloud computing technology and introduced AWS (Amazon Web services) services and launching their Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Elastic Beanstalk (EBS).

After some time, knowing that cloud service going so popular then Google (Google Cloud Platform), Apple and Microsoft (Microsoft Azure) too adopted cloud computing technology which marked another major milestone and since then the cloud has been growing and evolving at a rapid rate. Then around 2005-06, corporates realized that cloud computing made more economic sense to buy shared computing resources from the cloud since it required lesser man hours and efforts and in turn had more capabilities and was very cheap then own resources.

Cloud computing as a technology based on virtualization and has existed for quite a long time now and the way enterprises have used it has been rapidly growing day by day. It began as a simple web hosting service and has evolved to IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS (Platform as a Service, SaaS(Software as a Service) and many more. Looking at the present day scenario, large scale cloud computing is now accessible to everyone. It’s not just limited to big firm in the field of information technology market and now it is open to anybody, anywhere. Cloud Computing has now grown into a well-known approach for the management & deployment of applications for growing businesses rapidly.

Looking into the future technology world, according to computer, Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day. This data was generated by various industry (Like, Facebook, YouTube’s) and consumers. For example, approximately 125 hours of videos data are uploaded to YouTube every minute and about 205 million e-mails are exchanged every minute. A report, called ‘State of the Cloud Computing by Byron Deeter’, showed that the cloud computing market is growing at a 22.8% and the compound annual growth rate will reach $127.5 billion in 2018.
Now we stay in a world where people are surrounded by a lot of gadgets and also, the number of IoT devices is growing as well. We now not only access information but we consume it to make decisions in real-time. This enormous size of data generated will also need to be collected together and processed in the Cloud world. So, very soon cloud computing technology will allow us to work faster with more efficiency than it is today. In addition, together with their spread of cloud computing, our life will accelerate.

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